Webster’s dictionary doesn’t recognize “turbofication.” Arguably, it should. After all, the rapid-adoption rate of turbochargers by carmakers far exceeds their rate of “electrification” of car drivetrains, and Webster’s has accepted that word. Germany’s car companies are the world leaders in…
On Liberated Automotive Forms and Other Motoring Thoughts
Kellen’s Automotive Expressions are not Limited to Sculpture. Read and Share his Views
A recent industry bulletin announced that SUVs had overtaken the North American sales of passenger cars. This ends more than a century of “cars” dominating passenger-vehicle sales. SUVs have been around long before any of us were born. For decades,…
On December 18, 2018, Silicon Valley startup, Nuro, debuted the first fleet of driverless robo-delivery vehicles operating on public roads. Nuro beat a host of rivals to this important autonomous vehicle (AV) first. Far larger rivals Waymo (Google), General Motors,…
My social circle now features super-sizing any birthday celebration ending in zero or five. A neighbour had 70 costumed guests at his 70th birthday party. Our financial advisors had 65 friends at their 65th b-day-bash in Tuscany. Growing up, I…